Synchronized Exhaust Chuff
Makes a One to Five Chime Whistle from 10 different tones
Infinite Pitch Control for the Whistle
Built-in Pure DC Throttle
Two Air Pumps, Two Bells, Turbo, Hiss, Background Noise,
Stack Blower, and Blowdown Sounds, all recorded on digital chips and played back
at your command.
Auxiliary Input
High Speed Throttle and Idle Controls
Pre-amp Output for Underlayout Speakers
Separate On / Off Controls for the Throttle and Sound
Automatic Air Pump Cutoff
Built-in Reverb
Master Volume Control plus individual volume control for each
Control Panel overlayed with Lexan® making it easy to clean
and almost impossible to scratch or wear through
One year warranty
$625.00 + shipping
Colorado residents add 7.2% sales tax.
Email, call, write, or FAX for
free brochure